Individuals desire it. Teams don’t work without it. Clients benefit from it.
Businesses wrongly think it doesn’t affect their bottom line.
The Science of Happiness at Work is a methodology that can be applied to any workplace or project to help individuals, teams and organisations to assess, analyse and act.
It is suitable for any workplace or group struggling with complex or chronic problems, facing unrealistic deadlines or contending with office politics, difficult clients, bullying, misaligned values and challenging environments.
Unproductive workplace cultures and low-trust environments can be significantly improved.
We use the Assess, Analyse and Act methodology.
SALVE can provide an on-line survey that takes about 20 minutes to complete. A report is generated from the Iopener Institute for People and Performance database which is correlated against data from over 70 countries worldwide. The report provides scores around levels of commitment, contribution, culture, confidence, trust, pride and recognition. We can generate individual or team reports (minimum of nine respondents required).
What happens to the report? The report is confidential and is only shared with the respondent. Team reports are provided usually to the manager. Donna, as a licensed practitioner, will explain the results of the report. It’s then up to you what you do next. Some people and teams just want to know the areas to focus on; others choose to have individual coaching or team sessions aimed at discovering ways to influence the areas presenting the greatest personal challenge while also protecting the areas of strength.
The report is worded in a way that it provides suggestions for addressing issues which may be impacting on your happiness scores. Here are some services that SALVE provides if you want more help.
Individual coaching and or counselling
We provide individual coaching or counselling around the results of the survey.
Tailored team sessions
If, for example, the team score is low on trust and culture, then a combination of coaching and team building using a variety of action methods may be suitable.
Individual reports $50 per person.
Group report minimum of 9, $750 including individual reports and debrief on findings with management.
Group report for 10-20, $800 to $1600 (sliding scale) including debrief on findings with management.
Groups or teams of more than 20, price on enquiry.
Individual coaching or counselling on results of survey $150 per hour. Online mentoring (email, skype) $100 per hour.
Group training or team building sessions $1100 per half day or $2000 per day (excluding regional travel and expenses)